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Display Your Survey to On-Demand Viewers

Display your post-webinar survey on the same page immediately after the session concludes, so your attendees can complete it immediately, yielding higher response rates and insights

Hosts of on-demand webinars can now display their post-webinar surveys on the same page immediately after the session concludes, so attendees can complete it without needing to move to another tab. This can yield higher survey response rates and more valuable insights for hosts. 


In this article, we’ll show you how to enable this  feature, how it will appear to your on-demand viewers, then teach you how to test it.

How to Enable Surveys for Your On-Demand Webinar

1. Log into your webinar, then select the Manage Webinar dashboard. 

2. Staying in this tab, scroll down and locate Edit Player

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3. Select Edit Player . From here, you will proceed to the On-Demand player's editing tool. 

4. Next, select the Customize Player on the left-hand side of the On-Demand Player Editor menu. 

5. Scroll down to the bottom of the Customize Player Settings menu then select Show webinar survey at the end of the recording at the bottom of the page. 

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6. Press Save & Exit to Save your changes before exiting the page.

How to Test Your On-Demand Surveys: 

1. To ensure that your survey is set to display correctly for your on-demand viewers, we recommend returning to your Webinar Survey link, located on the left-hand side of the Manage Webinar Dashboard. 

2. In the editor that appears, select the Settings tab, 

3. then scroll to the bottom of the Settings menu.  Make sure that Show the survey immediately after the webinar ends is Enabled.

4. Once you have Published Your Recording, you can use the Share Link found under the title of your event on the Manage Webinar Dashboard to access your recording.

5. Open an Incognito or Private window in your browser. 

6. Proceed to the end of your recording on the landing page