Customize the features and design of your recording player for both on-demand and recorded live Webinars.
The Recording Player is a great way to keep your live webinar's branding and messaging consistent when converting to an on-demand webinar. These settings can be accessed at any time beforehand, during or after your live webinar.
Table of Contents:
1. The Recording Player Settings
3. FAQs
Can I customize the On-Demand Webinar Player before my event goes live?
- How do I delete my Recording?
The Recording Player Settings
You can access the Recording Player a few ways:
- The Edit Recording Player section on the Manage Webinar dashboard
- Edit Video Player on your On-Demand recording
- Edit Player under your On-Demand recording
Any of those three ways will take you to Recording Player where you will have access to add customizations.
Customize Player
Within the Customize Player, you are able to add color, branding and adjust the settings of the player. You can adjust the player's color and theme color, as well as use the BigMarker logo image or your own custom image.
You are able to adjust the following settings:
- Limit number of playbacks per viewer - limit the amount of playbacks a viewer is allowed. If set to 0, then the amount will be unlimited
- Allow video auto play
- Allow video loop play
- Allow viewers to seek and skip ahead - this will show or hide the ability to skip around in the video timeline
- Save as default - saves the Customize Player settings for following on-demand recordings
- Allow viewers to adjust video playback speed
- Show closed captions - display closed captions in your recording
- Redirect at end of the video - add a redirect link for the viewer to redirect to once the video ends. Note that this works best on default BigMarker landing pages
- Show webinar survey in video player at end of the video - add a post-webinar survey to the recording for your viewer to answer.
Customize the preview image or text overlay that happens after clicking play and before the recording starts. You can add a Media thumbnail, which is a static image that displays before the recording starts. You can upload an image and remove it to upload a new image
Below is an example of a media thumbnail for a recording:
You can also incorporate a text overlay as well. In the Text section, enable on the text and include what you would like the message to say over the image thumbnail. Below is an example of a thumbnail with text.
Edit Video
Note: The ability to edit the video (in the section below) is for Enterprise and Event Packages plan holders. If interested, please contact our Events Experts at
Here, edit the recording by inserting timestamps of the parts of your recording you would like to keep. Trim out any unwanted disruptions, pauses or breaks from your recording to create a seamless video.
Click Add Another Segment to enter in the start and stop time of the segment you would like to keep. Keep clicking Add Another Segment until you have all the segments you would like to include for your recording. You can preview the flow of the segments by clicking Preview All Segments at the bottom. When finished, click Save & Reprocess the Video.
You can view a history of all recording versions in the Saved Versions section, where you can also restore any previous versions as well.
These are the basic settings available to you to edit your recording players. In addition to the settings, you are able to add interactive features, such as polls, handouts, pop-up offers, Q&A and handouts.
Interactive Features
Incorporate the same great engagement and interactive features from your live events into your recordings.
Adding Polls
1. Click on the Polls section, then enable Polls
2. Click Add Polls and add the polls you would like to incorporate into your recording.
3. Enter in the start and stop times you would like the poll to appear and disappear at
4. Click Save
You can continue to add more polls by clicking Add Another Poll at the bottom. To get rid of the poll, click Discard. These will appear as overlays over your video. Below is an example of a poll in a recording:
Adding Handouts
1. Click on the Handouts section, then enable Handouts.
2. Select what type of handout you would like to include in your recording: File or Link
- For a File Handout, upload the file of choice
- For Link Handout, give your handout a title and enter in the link for the handout
3. For each handout, enable to display in your recording
4. Enter in the time you would like the handout to display.
5. Click Save
You can preview when the handout will show in your recording by clicking Preview under the handout. To delete the handout, click Discard.
Additionally, if you convert a live webinar into an on-demand webinar, any handouts uploaded to the live webinar will automatically be added to this section. You will still need to enable the handouts and configure the display time manually.
Your handouts will display in a pop-out view in the recording when the designated time has been reached. Viewers can click the handout icon in the recording to download or be redirected to the handout. Below is an example of a handout in a recording:
Adding Pop-Up Offers
6. Click Save
Offers have two main types, full and slide out. Full takes over the whole play area for a more disruptive experience, while slide outs are less disruptive and appear in a portion of the player:
If you selected slide out, this will slide out and take up the left hand side of the screen:
Adding Q&A
Q&A allows your viewers to submit a question when watching the recording. You can ask for the viewer's first name, last name and email address. You can enable Q&A on or off depending on if you would like Q&A for the recording.
Additionally, you can send an email notification to the webinar creator or presenter. Check off Send Email Notification and select from the dropdown menu who you would like to receive the question.
Note: You can also set who receives email notifications in the Edit tab, under Advanced Settings section by checking off On-Demand Question Email and entering in the email addresses of the recipients in the text box below.
Note: Any Q&A submitted during the on-demand recording will be included in the transcript.
You can customize what your Q&A form will ask viewers to better align with your on-demand recording or live event. You can edit the form's title, subtitle, first and last name text, question text and CTA button text.
Publish Q&A in the video player
When editing the on-demand video player, there is now a new option to show questions from the live webinar. Enabling this will show the entire thread from each question that has been published.
Note: a question must be published from the live webinar in order to show here.
Adding Chats
You can add either the live chats or automated chats to your recordings. The live chats are the chats that were in your live webinar, while automated chats are customized chats to appear at certain times within your recording.
Note: To learn more about adding automated chats to your recordings, click here.
1. Click on the Chats section, then enable Chats.
2. You can enable on or off:
- Live chats - the viewer will see the live chats from the webinar
- Automated chats - the viewer will see the automated chats you created
- Display chats in Chat Drawer - chats will only be seen in the pop-out drawer
- Show timestamps - chats will have the timestamp of when they were submitted
- When the Chat Drawer is closed, display Chat Bubbles over the video - if the Chat Drawer is closed, the chats will appear as bubbles over the video
- Open chat drawer by default - the Chat Drawer will be open on default when watching the recording.
You can choose the style of the chat bubbles, either making them in white or black.
After customizing the settings and adding your desired interactive features, you are able to Save and Exit. The changes will show in the On-Demand recording. Additionally, you can click Embed and Share at the top, to copy the embed code so you can embed the recording in any websites or social media platforms.
With the embed code, you can choose to embed the recording in a fixed dimension or responsive dimension. Using the fixed dimension option will let you control and set the width and height of the recording, while the responsive option will adjust the size based on the container it's put into.
Can I customize the On-Demand Webinar Player before my event goes live?
- Yes! You can create a live webinar and add your desired customizations to the on-demand video player (using the steps above) or create a live webinar template and add customizations then. Once you save this template, you can easily use the same logo, colors, graphics, etc. for future live-to-on-demand sessions without needing to create and design another on-demand video player.
Note: The video present in the Edit Recording Player tab will be switched out once the Live Webinar is converted to On-Demand.
How do I delete my Recording?
By default, all recorded webinars become On-Demand webinars. To delete a recorded webinar completely, click More and then Delete Webinar.
If you don't want to delete the recording, you can also Unpublish the recording so that it's only available to admins on the dashboard.
You can replace an old recording by clicking Upload New Recording below the video player. Simply drag and drop your new MP4 file or use the Browse button to replace your old recording.
Note: We recommend downloading your original recording before adding a new recording.