Create Dynamic Profiles of Registrants with Progressive Profiling

Progressive Profiling offers invaluable insight to your audience, without the hard marketing pitch.

Looking for a dynamic solution that will provide you with valuable analytics of your registrants, through individual profiles of each that can be built upon? This is possible with Progressive Profiling. 

What are the benefits of Progressive Profiling? 

Progressive Profiling offers invaluable insight to your audience, without the hard marketing pitch. It has tons of benefits, such as: 

  • Enticing your audience to share their information a little at a time
  • Building out robust profiles of each registrant
  • Curating and providing targeted content to your audience 
  • Improving the personalization and experience for each individual

We’ve incorporated this within our Eloqua integration, where your registrants will have a profile of themselves created whenever they initially register for your event, which will be  built upon with the sequential events they register too. This systematically helps build out their profile while allowing them to feel in control with the information they provide. 

Per event, you are able to add custom registration fields to your event’s forms, such as asking for interests, how they learned about the event and more. For new registrations, a profile will be built out based on what they answered. However, existing registrants in your system will pre-populate their information on the form, allowing them to verify or edit their information and input their answers to the new fields. 

Not only does this help streamline their registration experience, but provides invaluable insight into your registrants, helping you with lead conversion, marketing campaigns, and improved event experiences. 

Learn more about setting up your Progressive Profiling here