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  2. Webinars
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Live Webinars

Live Webinars offer interactive features when streaming your events in real-time.

A Live Webinar happens at a specific time, or on a recurring basis. 

These webinars include tons of interactive and high quality features, such as: HD Audio & Video, HD Screen sharing, Recording, Play videos, Present files, Whiteboard, No limit on presenters, Embed into your website, Call to Action Popups, Public & private chat, Q&A and upvoting, Polls & quizzes, Handouts and the ability to Host a Twitter chat. 

We recommend Live Webinars for events that you would like to happen once, or on a recurring basis. Want to create an event with engaging polls and quizzes, downloadable handouts and have presenters answer attendee's questions in real time? The Live Webinar is your best choice. 


Creating a Live Webinar 

1. On the Host Dashboard, select Create a Webinar

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 2. Select the Live Webinar type and fill out the webinar details. 

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3. Fill out the webinar details. Give your event a: Title, About Description, Time and Date, its Live Event Experience, and if it will be private or public

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Here you can select if a webinar is one time or recurring.  If you would like multiple webinars with the same Live Webinar settings, please select the recurring webinar.  Keep in mind that, if you choose to do so, you can also copy the webinar once it's created to recreate it for future use, but that webinar would not be linked to its original like that in a recurring webinar.

Enter in the times and dates the webinars will be occurring on. You have the option to limit the number of sessions that display on the landing page, as well as limit how long registration is open once the webinar has started. 

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When the webinar is created you will be taken to the webinar's dashboard (learn more here). You can Edit settings for the webinar, add and/remove Presenters, Design the landing page, set up Emails and Invitations, Manage the webinar, add Automations and take advantage of Integrations


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