How to Access My Channel Analytics

The channel analytics is a powerful set of reports and features that gives channel admins the ability to quickly check the performance of their content.

You can easily access your channel analytics by going into your channel settings, then selecting Channel Analytics from the left-hand navigation menu. 

From here, there are many different ways to view or filter your data, which covers all content on your channel. The data is broken down into three tabs, which you can see at the top of the page: Summary, Content & Audience

On the summary page, you can see Registration data broken down into several different views, like registration data by country, for example, or total registrations. You can also create your own reports for this page, which you can learn about further down in this article.

On the Content tab, you'll see a breakdown of your top performing content - webinars, or on-demand videos. 

On the Audience tab, you'll see a breakdown of your audience data with information like: name, email address, job title and show-up rate. 

In this view, it is possible to customize how you'd like to filter your audience data. Select Table Settings at the top of the page to open up the filter settings. 

From here, you can choose which categories to show as filtered views by adding a filtered view tab. Give your tab a title, then select how you'd like to filter your registrants. You can show or hide registrants based on the filters you select in the dropdown. Then, enter in the Equals space and Save. Your table will then appear with your selected filters in place.

In Table Columns, you can select which default columns you'd like to see on your data table. Select or de-select a column name based on the analytics you are looking for. Additionally, you can add a custom column by selecting Add Table Column at the bottom. 

Name your column, select the field to display, and Save

To further break down the data, you can select the date range at the top of the page. Here, you are able to choose the dates during which you'd like to see analytics. There are default options on the left-hand side you can choose from, such as Today, Last 7 days, this month, etc. Alternatively, you can select a custom range at the bottom, select your desired dates, and click Apply. The date range selector is available in all tabs. 


It is possible to download your data from any of the tabs by simply selecting the Download button at the top of the screen. Alternatively, you also have the option to share your dashboard. There are a couple options, as shown in the screenshot below:

You have the option to share a public link with anyone without additional login or registration required, or you can copy the link and share it at your discretion.

Customizing your dashboard

It is also possible to create reports based on a Report type, rather than viewing your whole Channel's data. To do this, click the blue +Add Report button at the top of the screen on the right side.

From here, you can give your report a name, then go on to configure your chart. Select the Report Type you'd like to use. If you select Breakdown by Webinar Tags, then you'll get a report based on how you've grouped and categorized your webinars by tag. You can also Breakdown by Webinar for a breakdown of all your webinars together. 

*Learn more about webinar tags in this article

Create a Custom Report Breakdown by Registration Field

You can also use registration fields to filter and sort your content for these custom dashboards. For example: a UTM code is used for all webinars, and now you can see what UTM codes are most popular for registrations.

Choose to breakdown by registration field and you'll then have options for all the registration fields that have been used within the channel. 

From here, you'll select your Y-axis (primary attributes) and your X-axis (secondary attributes). There is a dropdown for the X-axis attributes, and you can select more than one attribute. Click Save Report to view your custom report. 

Your custom dashboard can look something like the below images:

In addition, you can click or hover on a graph or data point to further expand upon the data, getting a breakdown by location, as shown in the images below. The first image shows a hover state over the Count of On Demand Viewers on the graph. The second image shows a breakdown by country when a bar in the graph is clicked on.