How do I Automatically Archive my Unanswered and Answered Q&As?

Capture a complete picture of your audience's questions and needs, which can be used to improve future event programming, by archiving Q&As

Hosts can now automatically archive all questions submitted to the Q&A , whether they have been answered during the session or not.

This gives organizers a more complete picture of their audience’s questions and needs, which they can apply to their future event programming and marketing efforts. 

In this article, learn how to enable auto-archive for your session’s Q&A. 

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How to Enable Auto-Archive

  1. Log in to your webinar and select the Manage Webinar tab. 
  2. Staying in this tab, scroll down to the Audience Engagement settings.

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3a. You can wait up to four hours before automatically archiving questions that you have not answered during your session. Under Audience Engagement, select Q&A: Auto-archive unanswered after. In the drop down menu that opens, select the amount of time you would like the system to wait before automatically archiving questions that have been answered (up to 4 hours).    

3b You can wait up to four hours before automatically archiving questions that you have answered during your session. Under Audience Engagement, select Q&A: Auto-archive answered after. In the drop down menu that opens, select the amount of time you would like the system to wait before automatically archiving questions that have been answered (up to 4 hours).   

4. Changes will be saved and applied to your session automatically once you select your option from the drop down menu. 


Additionally, you can automatically post the question after it was answered so your attendees never miss a Q&A. Enable on Q&A: Auto-publish after answered for it to automatically publish. 


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Watch the video below to see this in live action: