Set your Channel to be either public and searchable on BigMarker or search engines, or a private channel that is invite-only.
There are two different options when it comes to your channel settings on BigMarker.
A public channel is indexed by search engines, so it can be found on the internet with a generic search.
A private channel requires an invite from the channel organizer to access or, you must apply for membership. Users can still visit individual webinar and series landing pages, but the channel home page does not allow access to guests. Private channels are still able to be found using search engines.
Invisible channels function the same way as private channels, but are not indexed by search engines and thus can not be found with a conventional search.
Only an administrator or organizer of a channel can determine or edit the privacy settings of a particular channel. If you hold either roles within the channel, you can change the privacy settings within the channel.
After logging in, you can access your channel settings by selecting your channel in the home dashboard, then clicking Settings underneath your channel name at the top of the screen.
Once you've accessed your channel settings, select Privacy & Visibility in the lefthand navigation menu. From here you can edit your privacy settings and make your channel private or public, along with deciding what kind of access you'd like to give subscribers, future subscribers, and registrants.
Depending on your choice, channel home pages will appear one of two ways for guest users. If you have a public channel, the channel home page will display all webinars, series and events that have a privacy setting set to public:
If your channel is set to private or invisible, guest users will instead be prompted to log in or request an invite before viewing: