Your BigMarker account comes with the capability to preload video content directly to your webinar.
If you run into questions while uploading video content, here are some questions to ask in order to source the issue:
1. Is my video file in the correct format? BigMarker requires all videos be in .mp4 format for uploading. We highly recommend encoding your videos in h264. Our system will convert h265 codec, but if the video is larger and/or you preload or upload it close to the webinar's start time, the processing might not fully finish.
2. Is my video file over 4 gigabytes? BigMarker allows videos up to 4 GB (or 4000 megabytes) to be uploaded into the preload or automation section of the webinar. Yes? Send the file through a file compressor and set the codec to h.264 setting with a lower bitrate. These size of files MUST be preloaded.
3. Is my bitrate too high? One of the most common misconceptions about rendering your video content is that the bigger the bitrate the better the video. The truth is, while it is optimal to have a higher bitrate for HD video, most of the time the extra bytes of data just take up a lot more space than they need to on your computer. Bigger files also take much longer to upload.
4. Is my video link to Vimeo or another streaming website? BigMarker currently only supports MP4 files, and MP4 links. Although some YouTube links will work and we offer that as an option, YouTube recently updating the video security polices which impacts the method in which BigMarker delivers YouTube content during the webinar. Since the policy seems to impact YouTube video links randomly and without warning, we highly recommend replacing any YouTube links you have already preloaded and only using MP4 files or MP4 links now and in the future. To learn more click here.
If all else fails, do not hesitate to reach out to our support team in the chat at the bottom corner of your webpage, or send an email over to