Respond in thread to public chats during live webinars and events

Foster clear communication and reduced clutter with threaded messaging in chat.

Now, you don't need to worry about message responses getting buried in an active chat. With threaded replies, webinar attendees can publicly respond directly to a message instead posting to the general chat, improving the overall flow of conversation and reducing confusion among session attendees.

In order to enable threaded chats on your webinar, go into the Dashboard of the webinar you'd like to change. Scroll down to the Audience Engagement section and toggle on the Threaded Public Chat feature. 


Once this feature has been toggled on, your attendees will be able to reply to messages in thread of fellow participants in the public chat. 

Inside the webinar room, you'll notice that a new sub-heading now exists in the chat panel. This sub-heading is called My Threads. Under My Threads, you'll see which chats you've responded to, in order of which was responded to first. 

If you send a message in the public chat, you'll see that beneath the message is a reply counter. If the message begins to receive replies, you'll see the reply counter adjust accordingly. 

If you'd like to reply to a message in the public chat, you can simply click on the reply counter beneath the chat bubble you'd like to interact with. This will take you into the threaded chat for that particular message. When you've finished with your response, you can click Back to Chat at the top left of the chat panel. Your response will be saved in the thread so that the original poster will be able to see it and interact with it as they'd like. 

To keep track of all the messages that you've replied to or interacted with, simply click into the My Threads sub-heading in the public chat. Here, you can see a list of your response history, making it easy for you to find  messages or remember conversations with fellow attendees.