How can I add one-click registrations to emails sent from my company email?

Our one-click registration feature enables attendees to register for BigMarker webinar by clicking one link in an invitation sent via BigMarker's automated email suite.

Enable one-click registration for invitation emails sent from your own email provider or from BigMarker's automated email suite. To activate one-click registrations, copy and paste the smart link below into the email’s CTA button. The smart link should include invitees' names and email addresses in this format:{webinar_url}?

If you use our API integration, you can replace the email and name identifiers in the smart link with the BMID:{webinar_url}?bmid=xyz

To add Custom Registration Field responses to smart links, add a URL parameter using the Custom Registration Field ID as the name.{webinar_url}?0a01ac307e95=My%20Response

Follow the steps below to locate your custom registration field's Field ID. 


1. Log into your webinar and select the Manage Webinar tab. 


2. In the menu on the left-hand side of the page, select Custom Registration Fields. There, you'll find a list of the custom registration fields currently active on your webinar's registration form. 


3. Find your desired custom registration field, then select Edit in its row. In the pop-up that appears, the Custom Registration Field ID will appear just below Field Title. Copy and paste this code into the smart link to track it using one-click registration.