Download Separate MP3 Components from your Sessions

Enable Zip Components on your recorded On-Demand sessions, so you can download separate MP3 and MP4 files of your audio and video

Previously, our ZIP Components folder included a raw file of the webcast and the camera streams exclusively. So in order to convert a BigMarker event to a podcast, hosts would need to use  external editing software to extract the MP3 file from the event recording. 

Now, on-demand ZIP components include the option to download the audio and the video of the event in separate MP3 and MP4 files, which hosts can easily download from our platform. 

In this article, learn how to enable Zip Components on your recorded On-Demand sessions, as well as how to download  the separated mp3 and mp4 files from your event.


How to Enable Raw File Download on Your On-Demand or Recorded Content

Note: This feature is exclusive to our Enterprise and Events Package plan holders


You must have the Enable Download Raw File setting enabled on your Channel for the ability to download components of your recording. To enable this, please contact your BigMarker Account Team with the following information to enable this feature on your channel:

  • The email address of the channels’ Admin (if there are multiple send the one that you use to login to BigMarker) 
  • The URL to your Channel. 

How to Download the MP3 of Your Event

Note: We highly recommend retrieving the MP3 file from your live event that was recorded on BigMarker  in the first 10 days after it’s been recorded. Depending on the size of your file, it can take 10-20 minutes to download your file. But if you wait more than 10 days to retrieve your file, this process can take substantially much more time. 


1. Log in to your session’s  Manage Webinar Dashboard

2. Under the Manage Recording section of the Dashboard, you will see the Download Raw Components option. Click this icon first to begin processing your separated MP3 and MP4 files. This process can take up to 10-20 minutes. 

3. Once the separated MP4 and MP3 files are ready to download, click the Download Raw Files button once again to access your raw filesYou can download separate recording components, one with an embeddable audio and one with separate audio. 


4. A zip file will begin downloading to your device once you select this option. Your recording components will be inside the output file.