Put Sticky Notes Across All Tabs in a Webinar

Add Sticky Notes to all tabs in the webinar room, pinning important messages to the top of the Chat Panel so they are never missed by your audience.

Hosts and Presenters can now add Sticky Notes across all tabs in the webinar room. This allows hosts to create notes that display on each tab of the Chat Panel, regardless of which one the attendee is currently using. That means a pinned message can display across all tabs in the Chat Panel, call to actions remain consistent throughout the event, important chats are never missed, and more. 


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In this article, learn how to use Sticky Notes on all tabs during your session. 


How to Create a Sticky Note

  1. Log in to your webinar and enter the webinar room.
  2. Locate the Chat Panel, the menu on the right-hand side of your screen. Select your desired tab within this panel (Chat, Q&A, etc.). Along the top of each tab is a blue box that reads Set a sticky message here. Click this box.
  3. At the bottom of the tab, enter the text that will display in the Sticky Note.

  4. Hit the Enter button or click Save to complete. 

Note: The Sticky Note will display across all tabs with the same message. For example, if you enter in “Hello Everyone”, that message will display on the top of the Chat, Q&APolls and Handouts tab as well.


Your Sticky Note will now populate at the top of the chat panel to be displayed for all attendees. 


Can I Edit a Sticky Note? 

Yes! Sticky Notes can be edited at any time throughout your event. You can edit the text, links, and colors of any Sticky Note with the following steps:  


  1. Click the three dots in the corner of the Sticky Note.  
  2. In the dropdown that appears, select Edit Sticky.  

The Sticky Note will populate once more at the bottom of the chat panel. Edit as needed, then click Save once more to re-post the Sticky Note. 


Can I Change the Color of a Sticky Note? 

Yes! Choose between several different color options to fully customize your Sticky Note. You can change the color of your Sticky Notes by creating a new Sticky Note or editing an existing one. 


To change the color of a new Sticky Note, click Set a sticky message here. Scroll to the bottom of the same tab to customize the Sticky Note. Choose between the color options displayed below, then click Save to save your color selection. 

You can also follow these steps to change the color of an existing Sticky Note.  

Can I Add a Link to a Sticky Note? 

Yes! In Sticky Notes, you can provide URLs to surveys, websites, PDFs and more. When users click the link, the document or website will open in a new tab. 


Add a link to a Sticky Note with the following steps: 

  1. Click Set a sticky message here. 
  2. Click the link lock icon in the bottom left corner.  
  3. Enter in the link into the URL bar. 
  4. Click Save Link.  
  5. Enter the text that will display on your sticky note, then click Save to complete. 

You can also remove by following Steps 1-3, then clicking Remove Link (as shown above.)