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How to Add a Custom Footer to your Webinar

Utilize a Custom Footer within your webinar room, or waiting room, to convey important information about your event or advertise your company's messaging and website.

Add a footer to your waiting room, webinar room, or both, to convey important information or exciting announcements during your event. These are great for leaving external links that attendees can check out after the event or relaying important information that is relevant to your event’s presentation. Either way, it’s a great tool to utilize for highlighting presentation material or directing to your company’s website. 


How to Add a Footer to your Webinar 

1. On the Manage Webinar dashboard, scroll down and click the Custom Footer section on the left hand menu 


2. Click Enable to enable either the footer in the webinar room or waiting room 

  • Click Disable to have the footer in one or the other 

3. Give the footer a title 

4. Select if you would like your footer to be in a text box or iframe 

5. Enter the content of your footer in the text box

6. Use the sliding bar to select the height of the footer 

7. Click Save 

When attending your event, your audience will be able to see this message in your waiting room, webinar room or both locations. Below are examples of a custom footer: 

Note: The Custom Footer height has been set to 23% in the screenshots

Inside the Waiting Room: 

Inside the Webinar Room: